Environmental Policy
Paradise Park is a wildlife sanctuary and tourist attraction. Our aim is to breed rare species, raise awareness of conservation issues and create welcoming surroundings for our visitors.
We recognise the importance of considering environmental resources and pollution when running a business, and will work towards reducing our effect on these by minimising our use of resources including energy and water, reducing waste by recycling and making educated purchasing decisions.
Products and work practices will be assessed regularly, and replaced whenever practical with more environment-friendly versions.
To work towards our environmental aims we will do the following:
• Continue to reduce landfill waste by composting and recycling.
• Whenever possible use local companies and Cornish produce.
• Monitor energy use, use low energy light bulbs, and consider the efficiency of equipment before purchase.
• Maximise the use of rainwater harvested on site and from our bore hole.
• Provide visitor information on local attractions and transport.
• Provide information on how visitors can enhance their gardens for native wildlife, especially pollinators and birds.
Alison Hales
Paradise Park
Hayle, Cornwall TR27 4HB