Paradise Park

Wildlife Sanctuary • Cornwall

Events and things to do throughout the year including Easter Egg Hunts, summer flying displays, Quiz trails around the Park, Halloween Pumpkin Trail and more.

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Make it a birthday to remember with your choice of four themed party rooms with the birthday child’s name displayed on the door.

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One of the main jobs for our Keepers is creating fun, interesting, interactive enrichment activities which are key in encouraging a range of normal behaviours that birds and mammals find rewarding, providing them with mental stimulation, social interaction and exercise.

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Bird and Animal Enrichment Actiivties

The care and welfare of our birds and animals is our top priority.

One of the main jobs for our Keepers is creating fun, interesting, interactive enrichment activities which are key in encouraging a range of normal behaviours that birds and mammals find rewarding, providing them with mental stimulation, social interaction and exercise.

Below you will see videos, photographs and information explaining some of the enrichment methods used here at the Park.

This clip shows Keeper Louise Caddy bringing this lovely group of Blue-throated Conures one of their favourite treats, Goat Willow.

The video below was recorded during the Parrots@Home Facebook Live event on Sunday June 14th 2020.
Presented by Louise Caddy, Head of Parrots at Paradise Park, she talks about how to enrich your parrot’s quality of life for a healthy, happy bird! It’s 40 minutes long so get a cup of tea and settle down for lots of easy toy-making and nutrition tips, along with ideas for creating safe and fun foraging activities.

Always ensure you know exactly what species of plant you are using. When in doubt – leave it out!
Giving your parrot browse and greenery to chew on is a great way to encourage natural behaviour. Experiment with different types and use this to provide occupational enrichment.

Click on the image below for more information.

Plants for Parrots foraging article

Here is another video from the 2021 ‘Parrots at Home’ Facevbook live event with Louise covering footcare for parrots and perching, enrichment and more.

For more videos, handouts, tips, tricks and more from the ‘Parrots @ Home’ event June 2021 in conjunction with the World Parrot Trust please CLICK HERE

Below a Red-vented Cockatoo enjoying some Hawthorn berries.

Red-vented Cockatoo at Paradise Park Cornwall


The tongues of these parrots are specially adapted to eating nectar. This is the sugar-rich liquid they would naturally get from flowers, along with a bit of pollen which gives vital protein and fats. We would like to thank everyone who has bought ingredients from our AMAZON WISH LIST. This really helps us during this difficult time as financially things are going to be very tough for us, especially over this coming winter . THANK YOU 🙂

Lorikeets feeding on hand at Paradise Park Hayle

The recipe has two parts, first a ‘dry mix’ is prepared by mixing:
1 kilo – Glucose
2 boxes – Banana porridge Milupa baby food
4 teaspoons – Bird park essential (vitamin supplement)
4 tablespoons – Bee pollen
3 tablespoons – Spanish Red pepper powder

Then, to make one pint of nectar you use this dry mix as follows:
2½ tablespoons – Dry Mix
1 tablespoons – Demerera Sugar
1 teaspoon – Honey
1 teaspoon – Golden Syrup
1 teaspoon – Black Treacle
½ teaspoon – Cod Liver Oil
Plus Cranberry juice

Add hot water to warm the ingredients making them easier to mix together, then cold water to make up one pint. The lorikeet group in the Rainbow Aviaires eat between six and nine pints of nectar every day.

Some this is fed by visitors in the summer months, plus they get nectar in the bowls in their hut plus small seeds, vegetables and fruit. They also eat nectar directly from any flowers growing in here.


Penguins Peaches and Paloma try to figure out what this new sensory CD enrichment is, chasing the glints of light and looking at their reflections.


Below Keeper Leanne presents hand-reared Palm Cockatoos Herbert and Norbert an enrichment Christmas toy including some sunflower seeds, almonds and small bits of walnut and peacan. Sounds lovely 🙂

Leanne and Palm Cockatoos with Enrichment


Halloween pumpkins make ideal enrichment toys for many of the birds and animals. Here our Kea parrots enjoyed playing and eating with pumpkins 🙂

Below are some quotes taken from our last Zoo Licence Inspection report for Paradise Park

“Very good and well considered health care programme with welfare as a priority in all cases.”

“Impressive welfare and behavioural consideration integration into the basic management practices on site.”

“Wealth of information and a leader in parrot and other species husbandry and breeding.”

“The inspection team would like to thank the team at Paradise Park for their hospitality, openness and transparency during the zoo licence inspection. The inspection team were hugely impressed at the standards across the collection, the consideration and integration of multiple stakeholders in the husbandry and breeding programmes, and the high standards and implementation of their conservation programmes. It was an absolute privilege to inspect a collection with such high standards and such a positive culture, demonstrating what a zoo can achieve when it puts its mind to it.”

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