Scarlet Macaw Nestcam
Aloysius the female and Zorro the male were both pet parrots donated to the Park. When Aloysius first arrived she was part of the show team as she had a great vocabulary and was a delight to work with. Once Zorro arrived we decided to introduce them and… it was love at first sight!
All the Scarlet Macaws in training and due to star in our Free Flying Bird Show (currently 13 of them) are youngsters from Aloysius and Zorro.
This webcam gives us the opportunity to share the daily life of a breeding pair of parrots. It is a wonderful opportunity to observe them in their nest box interacting with each other and caring for their eggs then chicks as they grow.
A big THANK YOU to the ‘Scott Family’, who bought this webcam from our Amazon Wish List 🙂
From time to time, you may hear the sound of the aviary being cleaned or building work going on nearby, the macaws are used to this and it is normally for a very short time.
It may take a few moments for the webcam to load.
Wild populations of these magnificent birds, like many parrots, have declined because of capture for the pet trade and habitat loss. Due to their large natural range across many countries they are considered ‘Least Concern’ on the IUCN Red List but are protected from international trade by law.
The Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) is found across a large region of South America, with a small population in a region stretching from south Mexico to Panama. Paradise Park is home to the World Parrot Trust, which is working with organisations which release captive-bred birds into areas where there is good habitat including the Macaw Recovery Network in Costa Rica.
Read about this species on the World Parrot Trust website here