Paradise Park

Wildlife Sanctuary • Cornwall

Events and things to do throughout the year including Easter Egg Hunts, summer flying displays, Quiz trails around the Park, Halloween Pumpkin Trail and more.

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Make it a birthday to remember with your choice of four themed party rooms with the birthday child’s name displayed on the door.

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One of the main jobs for our Keepers is creating fun, interesting, interactive enrichment activities which are key in encouraging a range of normal behaviours that birds and mammals find rewarding, providing them with mental stimulation, social interaction and exercise.

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Please find below a selection of videos of events at the Park, the birds and animals, conservation projects etc.

BELOW: Nothing like a berry ice lolly for the Kea parrots on the hottest day of the year!


BELOW: Talis the Golden Eagle seen here thoroughly enjoying her bath 🙂

BELOW: Shower time for the Eclectus Parrots

BELOW: Using CD’s for enrichment for our Humboldt’s Penguins.

BELOW: Free Flying Scarlet Macaws

BELOW: A Palm Cockatoo being hand-reared by Keeper Leanne

BELOW: Here is Newton the Kea Parrot, our Carrot Quiality Control Supervisor 🙂

BELOW: Looking back at when Derek the Caribbean Flamingo chick was 4 day old in August 2019

BELOW: Here is Herbert the Palm Cockatoo… little drummer boy 🙂

BELOW: Recorded during the Parrots@Home Facebook Live event on Sunday June 14th 2020, Paradise Park Curator David Woolcock takes you through the Free Flying Bird Show (sorry about the quality as the wifi signal was poor this day).

BELOW: Cute Red Panda cub ‘Koda’ who was born July 2016, during his vet check!

BELOW: “Well, that’s just showing off.” Penguins swimming and ‘porpoising’ around their pool at Paradise Park, Cornwall.

BELOW: Here is friendly Caique Mr Kipling enjoying a treat, with ‘Jaffa’ his companion in the background 🙂

BELOW: A short clip of Keeper Logan feeding little penguin chick Lowen (Cornish for ‘Joyful’)

BELOW: A 20 second clip of some of the birds and animals at the Park!

BELOW: Newton the Kea Parrot demonstrates his recycling skills during the Free Flying Bird Show.

BELOW: When Tiffany Truscott from BBC Radio Cornwall met ‘Tiffany’ the Red Panda Cub.
(Please note that Tiffany the cub has now moved to a new home in Germany – Please click here for more info)

BELOW: Snuggles and Sparkles were hand-reared at Paradise Park in December 2014

See our parrots doing some fundraising with visitors after the Free Flying Bird Show. Click Here

Click here to see more videos on our Youtube Channel


From penguin feeding to the fantastic JungleBarn indoor play centre to exotic summer gardens, there is plenty to keep you entertained on your visit to Paradise Park.

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The ‘JungleBarn’ indoor play centre is fabulous fun whatever the weather. Giant slides, challenging soft play, toddlers’ zone with ball fountain - you will want to stay all day.

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