Keepers spoof of Jurassic World scene
31st July 2015
Paradise Park keepers have some fun creating a spoof of Chris Pratt’s Jurassic World dinosaur whisperer scene.
Keeper Adam Pollard has the Park’s velociraptors under control!
Curator David Woolcock comments “The Keepers could not resist having some fun with the Jurassic World scene and taking advantage of the Dinosaur Quiz Trail that we have running over the summer, with various dinosaurs scattered throughout the grounds for visitors to find as they explore the Park. As you can see from the photo, Adam has them completely under his control!”
Director Alison Hales added “We have had a fantastic response from visitors to the dinosaurs, and they have posted us some brilliantly creative ‘selfie’ photographs. They can be seen on our Facebook page and some on our website.”
Photos from our Facebook Page. VIEW OUR FACEBOOK ALBUM HERE
By LEFT: Stephen Oxborrow RIGHT: Phil Lee
By LEFT: Andrew Young RIGHT: Phill Dodd
The Dinosaur Quiz Trail runs until 2nd September.