Paradise Park

Wildlife Sanctuary • Cornwall

Events and things to do throughout the year including Easter Egg Hunts, summer flying displays, Quiz trails around the Park, Halloween Pumpkin Trail and more.

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Make it a birthday to remember with your choice of four themed party rooms with the birthday child’s name displayed on the door.

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One of the main jobs for our Keepers is creating fun, interesting, interactive enrichment activities which are key in encouraging a range of normal behaviours that birds and mammals find rewarding, providing them with mental stimulation, social interaction and exercise.

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Rangoon the Burmese Python snake moves to new home

After living at Paradise Park for over 20 years, Burmese Python ‘Rangoon’ has moved to a new home in Wales.

Rangoon and NickDirector Nick Reynolds said “Rangoon is a lovely placid snake, but he is very large so we are happy that he is going to the Welsh Mountain Zoo as they have a big enclosure which will be perfect for him.”

Rangoon was donated to Paradise Park in July 1995 when he was approximately 3 years old, and in the first few years he grew very quickly. After that his growth rate slowed down but at 13 and a half feet (over 4 metres) long he was at the point of needing more space.

The Welsh Mountain Zoo, which had already arranged to have the two young Striated Cara Caras (birds of prey) bred at Paradise Park, heard about Rangoon. They had a large snake enclosure planned, so we were happy for Rangoon to go there too.

Nick continues “The birds and snake all arrived safely in Wales, and we hear that Rangoon has already settled in well.”

Rangoon had his 15 minutes of stardom when Vet and TV presenter Steve Leonard came to Paradise Park back in 2003 when he was making a programme for the BBC about evolution.


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