Reopening early July – date to be confirmed shortly
The Government has said that zoos can reopen soon! We are relieved to know that we will be able to welcome visitors again, but also very aware that the safety of both our visitors and staff is paramount. We still have some measures to put in place, plus bring back staff from furlough and train them in new procedures before we open to the public. Keep watching for us to announce the date!
We had been planning for possible reopening on 4th July, as that was the date we understood as the earliest that zoos could open, but then on 1st June received an email to say that all zoos would have to remain closed indefinitely which had left us unsure until now.
While it will be necessary for many things to be different to previous summers here at the Park, please be assured that we are aiming to provide a great visitor experience. Shows in their previous form cannot go ahead due to social distancing measures but we having been working hard during lockdown and have modified our offering so that you will still be able to witness beautiful macaws and eagles flying overhead for example and not compromise your, or our wellbeing.
It will be a learning curve for all of us and we will no doubt find things that require modification as we go along but we, and all our birds and mammals eagerly await your return ?
And finally, a HUGE thank you to everyone that has generously supported us during lockdown, without your support things would have been so much harder for us and we will be forever grateful.
Keep an eye out for more posts regarding re-opening very soon. Xx