Paradise Park

Wildlife Sanctuary • Cornwall

Events and things to do throughout the year including Easter Egg Hunts, summer flying displays, Quiz trails around the Park, Halloween Pumpkin Trail and more.

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Make it a birthday to remember with your choice of four themed party rooms with the birthday child’s name displayed on the door.

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One of the main jobs for our Keepers is creating fun, interesting, interactive enrichment activities which are key in encouraging a range of normal behaviours that birds and mammals find rewarding, providing them with mental stimulation, social interaction and exercise.

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Sad passing of Dino the Seriema at Paradise Park

Dino at Paradise Park CornwallOne of the most popular birds at Paradise Park in recent years has been Dino, a Red-legged Seriema.

Keeper Sarah-Jayne explains “Sadly Dino suffered acute kidney failure. He will be very much missed by staff and visitors, who would have seen him starring in the ‘Eagles of Paradise’ display at noon each day. He was a fantastic character and was able to show people some of the distinctive habits of a Seriema, for instance although they can fly short distances, they prefer to run from predators and Dino was very speedy! And they have a very distinctive call that can travel over a mile and is one of the most characteristic sounds of the South American grasslands where they live. Dino was happy to exhibit his call on cue and with great vigor.”

Dino was born at Paradise Park in May 2006. He was hatched in an incubator and hand reared by keepers, joining the show team back in in 2007.

A short video clip has been made showing Dino doing his thing at one of the shows, including where he displayed how Seriema’s kill their larger prey, by throwing lizards and rodents repeatedly on to the floor!

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