Latin Name:
Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata
Critically Endangered
Wild diet: Eats seeds, fruit, berries, flowers and nuts. May also take cultivated maize.
Less than 1000
Sumba Island, Indonesia
Citron-crested Cockatoo
This sub-species of the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, comes only from the island of Sumba. Sadly, they have been trapped in large numbers and their preferred habitat is being lost to logging and conversion of forest to farming, so that their population is now critically low.
In the wild they often associate with Eclectus Parrots, including sharing roost trees at night. Both have a diet of seeds, fruit, berries, buds, flowers and nuts, and crops such as maize.
In here is Cedric, a female bred at Paradise Park who has been one of the stars of our summer ‘Free Flying Bird Show’. She is now paired with Barley, and they reared their first chicks in 2010.