Paradise Park

Wildlife Sanctuary • Cornwall

Events and things to do throughout the year including Easter Egg Hunts, summer flying displays, Quiz trails around the Park, Halloween Pumpkin Trail and more.

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Make it a birthday to remember with your choice of four themed party rooms with the birthday child’s name displayed on the door.

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One of the main jobs for our Keepers is creating fun, interesting, interactive enrichment activities which are key in encouraging a range of normal behaviours that birds and mammals find rewarding, providing them with mental stimulation, social interaction and exercise.

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Flight of the Rainbows Summer season

From Easter to the end of October Half Term, Lorikeets are released from their enclosure and swoop down on to the awaiting crowd!

It’s a fantatsic experience and happens in the Rainbow Aviary exhibit near the pengiun enclosure.

There is the option to buy pots of nectar, guaranteeing you will receive some close attention from these wonderfully mischievous little characters.

You never know quite what is going to happen. You could end up covered in birds all vying for some nectar and squawking as they try to push each other out of the way. See the video below (please note the timing for the experience in the video says 2pm, but this does change throughout the year. Please see the daily events page for current information.)

Lorikeet feeding at Paradise Park Cornwall

Flight of the Rainbows at Paradise Park Flight of the Rainbows at Paradise Park

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