Paradise Park

Wildlife Sanctuary • Cornwall

Events and things to do throughout the year including Easter Egg Hunts, summer flying displays, Quiz trails around the Park, Halloween Pumpkin Trail and more.

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Make it a birthday to remember with your choice of four themed party rooms with the birthday child’s name displayed on the door.

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We want children to get as much as possible from a visit – wildlife education, inspiration about the natural world and active fun.

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Native Wildlife

A few years ago Paradise Park developed a butterfly and bee garden. It is proving very popular with native wildlife and with our visitors!

We have some information to hand that you can use to help identify what you see. If you capture any photographs, we would love to see them. You can post them to us on our Facebook page or Twitter page.

Butterfly and Bee Garden info

The nectar-rich flowers and sunshine have attracted some lovely butterflies (dodging the occasional showers).

Peacock butterfly Painted Lady
The Peacock butterfly and Painted Lady

Speckled Wood Butterfly at Paradise Park
Speckled Wood Butterfly

We have seen Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, and we were not quick enough to photograph the Comma. We take part in the ‘Big Butterfly Count’ which runs July/August each year (for dates please see their website).

Red Admiral butterfly Leaf cutting bee
Red Admiral butterfly and a Leaf Cutting Bee

Gallery of photographs and information showing some of the native wildlife spotted at the Park

Keeper Emma uncovered this frog in one of the aviaries while cleaning. It was safely relocated to one of the ponds.

Common Frog

A wild frog came to say hello to Keeper Leanne as she was going about her work and she managed to capture this great photo.

Frog photographed by Keeper Leanne

Hedgehog ‘Nicola’
We know that hedgehogs live in and around Paradise Park, occasionally seeing them rootling around at dusk. We saw this small one out during the day which is an indication that something was wrong. Luckily Michaela, a member of staff in the shop, has an interest in hedgehogs and took it off for care at Hedgepigs and Hoglets Rescue. Veterinary treatment was needed and then fattening up. The hoglet was named Nicola and she went from just 225 to over 400 grammes.

Jill from the charity decided that Nicola was ready for release and brought her to the Park where we found a quiet spot near to where she was found. Food and water will be provided in case she wants it but we expect that she will soon settle into the Paradise Park grounds and be finding everything she needs.

Nicola the Hedgehog

A Meadow Brown butterfy
Meadow Brown Butterfly July 2021

Large White Butterfly
Large White Butterfly July 2020

A female sparrow
a Sparrow female 2020

A male sparrow
a Sparrow male 2020

We see Great Spotted Woodpeckers in our woodland area – it was great to know they have successfully reared young when we saw this juvenile foraging in the field.

Here is a photograph of a Great Spotted Woodpecker male at the nest hole in a tree in Parrot Jungle in spring 2021.
The males have red at back of their heads.

Male Great spotted woodpecker

A Common Blue Butterfly
Common Blue Butterfly July 2020

House sparrow chick
House sparrow chick

Red Admiral Butterfly
Red Admiral July 2020

Bumble bee on cat mint
Bumble bee on cat mint

We believe this is a Scarce Chaser Dragonfly. But if you have any other info please do email us and let us know – Thank you 🙂

The Keepers found this amazing Privet Moth inside a macaw aviary. We put it in a shady area near our butterfly garden, also recording it on

Privet Moth at Paradise Park

Head Gardener Mike Kemp putting out nest boxes and a Blue Tit taking advantage of a nest box in the Park.
Putting out nest boxes Blue Tit

A Blackbird bathing and a Sparrow with chick on our terrace of nest boxes
Blackbird bathing  House sparrow chick

A Humming-bird Hawk-moth and one of the many bees enjoying the Bee Garden.
Hummingbird Hawk-moth Bee Garden

Elephant hawkmoth caterpillar and a Green hawkmoth caterpillar.
Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillar Green hawkmoth caterpillar

Cornwall Butterfly and Moth Society

CBMS is a registered charity formed by some of Cornwall’s most knowledgeable butterfly and moth enthusiasts to manage conservation sites, carry out breeding studies and help preserve some of Cornwall’s most threatened wildlife. For more information please click here.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust

The leading local charity working to protect and enhance Cornwall’s wildlife and wild places. Passionate about all aspects of nature conservation and work only in Cornwall. Helping everyone enjoy nature…forever, so get exploring and be inspired! For more information please click here.

Cornish bred macaws travel to Bolivia

A group of six rare macaws travelled from Paradise Park in Cornwall to Bolivia, as part of an international project.

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The gardens are designed to complement the exotic wildlife at Paradise Park, and to provide plenty of nectar for native pollinators.

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